Thursday, October 29, 2009

Concord Afternoon

Monday was a perfect autumn day: warm and sunny, leaves gorgeous with fall colors. Gloria sent us out to Concord to enjoy the countryside.

On the way to Concord we stopped briefly at Walden Pond, the pilgrimage site for back-to-nature Thoreau fans. The gift shop had t-shirts with various Thoreau quotations. I looked for my favorite--"that government is best which governs least"--but it was suspiciously missing. I suspect that such a view is at odds with the pro-state sentiments of most visitors, who probably believe that that government is best which governs most!

On to Concord--a very inspiring visit to the site where the first shots of the Revolution were fired. I can't help but be proud--patriotically proud!--of such men as gathered that day in defiance of an oppressive government. The legacy of individualism, libertarianism, and self-sufficiency represented by the patriots of the Revolution seems to be endangered today, as we give up more and more of our freedoms for more and more government regulations. Alas...

Below is the Old North Bridge, where the Minutemen and the Red Coats exchanged fire:

We found the old Sleepy Hollow Cemetery just at dusk and hurried to Author's Ridge. These pictures show why we were eager not to miss it:


  1. Oh my goodness. I got a chill just looking at those graves. Oh, I wish I was there. Long live Libertarianism! And Fall! And the tradition of good writing!

  2. Did you read the pieces of paper on Alcott's grave? I am very curious!
