This was the first, and last, time ever taking our clothes to a laundry to be put in a huge machine by a stranger.
It's a long commute from here to Bar Ilan Unversity, where L is digging through Harold Fisch's papers - 1/2 hour ride on the city bus which stops across the street, then 50 minutes on a big Greyhound style bus to the university which is way down by Tel Aviv, followed by a 15 minute stroll across the campus to the portable classroom we are using as a work space. Then the reverse to return (which sometimes is longer due to rush hour). And don't forget that our bags have to be searched and ourselves scanned at several spots along the way. Today I snapped this of L beside an IDF soldier on the city bus. They are everywhere and look very serious when on duty.

Friday we went to the Kotel (Western Wall) in the Old City before our Thanksgiving shabbat dinner with Allen Hoffman and family. No photos allowed on the sabbath - but it was packed on both the men's and women's sides. We each threaded our way through the appropriate section to place a hand on the ancient wall, the only surviving remains of the 2nd temple built by King Herod. Then I stood on a handy nearby chair to peer over at the men and watch the wonderfully diverse crowd, some praying, some kibbitzing, some dancing and singing, many fully armed soldiers among them. We did manage a picture of the Kotel from the steps going up to the Jewish Quarter:

Dinner at the home of our modern orthodox friend was delish, beginning with sabbath prayers, challah and wine, then a first course of turkey matzoh ball soup. All the usual trimmings followed, though I must confess to not noticing every detail because the conversation was so interesting. And yes, dessert was pie - pecan and pumpkin. Sorry, no photos due to sabbath.
Oh, so amazing. And--though I know it to be uncharitable--I laughed out loud at that first picture. Poor, poor Lloyd.
ReplyDeletePoor Lloyd! I'm so glad you are having a wonderful time! The pictures you are taking are great and we are so happy to be able to follow your adventures!!