Lloyd spent Friday morning working on his writing projects and conference presentations which he will detail later. In the chilly afternoon we explored nearby neighborhoods, ending the evening seeing the Coen brothers' new film
A Serious Man at the West Newton Cinema, which screens an endless variety of fascinatingly unusual titles. (I so wish we had been here when
Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg was showing.) L says
Serious Man was sad and discouraging, though I found it funny and reminiscent of some bits of my own past. Would anyone like to discuss?
Today we seized the sunshine and drove downtown to seek out The Freedom Trail, a walk through old Boston that commemorates the role of its patriots in the American Revolution. Herewith a few photos:
The oldest standing church in Boston, built in 1723, where the famous lantern was hung to alert the town that British troops were approaching.

Lovely bright interior with box seating which was rented by individual members.

The patriot Paul Revere.

The USS Constitution, aka Old Ironsides, the world's oldest commissioned war ship afloat.
One of 52 huge cannons aboard.

An exhibition by the Boston police brought the Freedom Trail up to the present, with modern sophisticated equipment like this impressive patrol boat.

Patrol puppy.
Glad to hear you're having such a lovely time. Did you see the Holocaust memorial on the Freedom trail? And if you have time, you might enjoy the Museum of Fine Arts, the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum, and the Museum of Science ... keep on blogging!