Friday, January 22, 2010


Rome was overwhelming. So much to see and absorb and ponder. Here are a few of our visual impressions after three days exploring the city.

St. Peter's is huge.
Michelangelo's gentle pieta
Sistine Chapel ceiling

Raphael - School of Athens, in Vatican museum

Nice touch of inlaid stone

Double spiral staircase in Vatican

Trevi Fountain

He refused to toss a coin

Pausing for pasta at Campo di Fiori

Original doors from the Roman Senate, now part of St. John Lateran Basilica

Michelangelo's Moses

Lloyd's Romantic pilgrimage - Keats died here.

Felix, the guide, lecturing Italian students about Keats.

Cemetery for non-Catholics who must be buried outside the city walls, as was Keats.

No label needed

In the old Ghetto, where we enjoyed fried Jewish artichokes just down the street from the old synagogue which the Pope visited two days later.

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